Sunday, March 10, 2013

On Lent

Reflection On Lent:

​If you ask yourself whether you are having a ‘successful’ lent you might be closer than you think in understanding what lent is all about. This is not meant to be confusing, but often time lent is constructed around the idea of giving up something. Yes, this is a big part of what lent is all about, mainly to be reminded of the suffering of Christ. But in the effort to enter in a sacrifice we loose focus on what it means to suffer, hence the original question of whether one is being successful or not in lent. What makes suffering so difficult is uncertainty. When we give up something for lent we know that we might come back to whatever we give up at the end of lent. The experience of suffering then is one that is almost an illusion to the one who fasts this way. For we still have a sense of certainty that the period of our ‘offering’ will come to an end. But, suffering in fact is so hard to deal with because it reminds us of our uncertainty as human beings. When one suffers, one really suffers because one does not know. And so, one does not enter into suffering, but rather suffering finds us.
​Are you asking yourself whether all your efforts to enter into suffering are worthless? Of course they are not; God is pleased and content to see the very intention of trying to please him in any way. You may also ask how does one enter into Lent with uncertainty? But uncertainty is part of who we are—one only needs to be reminded of it. Lent is this period to be reminded of the things that truly make us suffer. To call upon the times when we found it hard to have hope in a better future, not knowing when would that period of our life would come to an end. To help others who find themselves in this period of uncertainty, suffering by not knowing how or when it will end.
​I, too have chosen to give up certain things for lent. They give meaning to the Lenten Season by having my will self-disciplined, but I think that they have little to do with suffering, because at the end, I know I can have them in the future. Instead, Lent is a time to call upon the things we do not have control over. In our life one does not need to look hard to see that there are plenty of these. Lent is the period to call upon these things and surrender them to God. Lent is meant to remind us that suffering finds everyone around us the same, and that we are called to respond to this periods of dryness and uncertainty with love and compassion. And so, being successful at Lent has little to do with what you give up and whether you are faithful to that offering, and everything with acknowledging our dependence in God in everything that we do.

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