Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Spiritual Life?

Spiritual life?

When speaking about nourishing or taking into consideration your spiritual life, must people immediately associate terms like church, services, scripture, praying and others. However, what does it really mean to say things like spiritual or spirit? Jesus reminds us that God is spirit- as He proclaimed it to the Samaritan woman at the well, and in the poem of Creation in Genesis, we sense God as creator in Spirit, as His Spirit moved among the waters. The bible is full of this word spirit in both the old and new testament. But when we try to make sense of these things in our daily life is that we often times miss our mark. By spirit, we understand immaterial substance- and it is our fully human nature to be both spiritual and material! We are not just composed of bones, and muscles that interact by nerve impulses but we also have personalities, emotions, thoughts, ideas, dreams and talents that make us spiritual beings. In fact, we are fully human when we realize that our humanity is composed of things that are immaterial, to echo the voice of Socrates, “…the unexamined life is not worth living,”as we know goes way back. Our humanity is so unique precisely when both are sync into one, when our actions are done with our full consciousness and will. When instead of going “through” the actions- our whole being is immersed in the things we do. So the whole perception of spirituality shifts when we widen our view of what does it mean to be more spiritual or completely human. Listening to a conversation not merely hearing it, or maybe trying to understand other people’s actions and points of views instead of quickly being rushed to explain yours, perhaps contemplating the beauty of nature, or immersing yourself in your talents so that you get to know yourself deeply, all these could be perfect examples of nourishing and cultivating a more spiritual life. But before we dispose of religion as we know it we ought to contemplate the fact that religion gives us all these basis and expects us to do the homework. Scripture, services, church, are tools if you will, on how to live your life more fully, it leads you to get to know that God-Spirit and have a personal relationship with Him, to experience Him in everything you do.  In the Old Testament, Moses asks God to reveal his name so that he can give testimony to the Jewish people, and God answered, “I AM”; for He is existence and is to be experienced in everything, always pushing us to live our life more fully, always challenging us to sync our spirit and body, always asking us to embrace life, always telling us to be fully present, always reminding us to seek inside, telling us to cultivate compassion, care, kindness, solidarity- pushing us to love and embrace love.

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