Tuesday, April 23, 2013



There are experiences in life that break you. When a man suffers in the spirit a metamorphosis takes place. The old self dies and takes with it all that constituted it. A new creature is created.

This new man is hard to described; for he no longer speaks like the old, he does not move like him, he does not think like him, he does not exists like him. This new man has with him new understanding and awe that the old did not. In the flesh and in the spirit a transition takes place. Suffering has the power to dwell in the innermost intimate place of the soul: it fractures it, to sprout something new. In the gestation of this new being, pain must be endured. This kind of pain is spoken of in Greek tragedies. The pain that we still hear today at childbirth, it is the same pain that we bear as we tear off the old skin out of our bones. The body must readjust to the new and lighter body. This one travels as if not touched by the world. Nothing disturbs him yet he also knows he cannot touch anything. The new body, as with that of an infant hears the world, tastes it, sees it, and smells it—but it does not move him. His new body through a thread lingers to the new soul which reminds him that he has been to dark places. The old man was not blind, but he did not see the world as the new one does. This one sees with time and at its leisure. Yet the new soul knows that which once was. It has memory. A shadow is cast upon it form the old creature he seems to barely recognize. It has its features, they call it by the same name, but it only seems to be an unfamiliar silhouette in the allies. But alas! It comes forward to hunt every now then. The old soul stings through memory its must malignant poison, that of melancholy. It does not bring the new creature into the moment of metamorphosis, but it reminds him that it used to be something else. The man is reminded of the stranger. At the taste of the poison being dazed by its effect the new creature thinks of himself as the stranger and that of the past as the man. However these flashes too wither. The new soul is reminded that it moves differently, it exists differently. It is reminded that it too will come the time of a new moment. A new metamorphosis.

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