Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Habit

The habit

People who are contemplating a religious life are simultaneously seeking to answer a call of identity. To be able to see yourself and have a clear image of who you are or want to be is essential in a matter of vocation. Many people approach their vocation by the image that they have in the profession being observed. For instance, the image the fire-fighter, policeman, doctor or lawyer have in their profession represent the work they do. In the same manner, for a long time the image of the religious person involved a habit, which for the most part included the major orders (Franciscan, Dominican, Benedicts, and Augustinian.) This image has been slowly dissipating among the religious community as lay people have been empowered and religious member have blended among the community. For the most part, the traditional orders have maintained their habits as a sign of identity but for many other religious communities the emphasis on the habit has decreased.

​The Church however, faces new challenges and new times. As vocations drop all over religious communities the conversation for habits arise. As new wave of young enthusiastic Catholics have arised who demand to come back to the roots of the religious vocation with their habits and traditions. They seek desperately to be able to identify themselves with their vocation among a society that they feel, has lost Christian values. For traditional orders as mention above this is not an issue. However, for Maryknoll and other congregations and societies who have evolved from this era, this topic is a matter of discussion today.

​As a Maryknoll Seminarian, this is a quiet an important issue. Maryknoll, The Society of Foreign Mission of America, has identified its charisma to be foreign mission. Maryknollers travel thousand of miles all over the world to blend with people, to lose our sense of comfort, language and tradition to be able to reach people in a very mutual and personal level. Maryknoll missioners all over the world have never given any significant importance to the habit. As a matter of fact it would appear to be something contradictory to the essence of mission. Today however, we face the dilemma of people interested far more in lay vocations than religious ones, we face young people seeking to embrace and revive lost values and a broken Church.

​There are many approaches to the habit among the Church. Still, we can agree that the religious habit has both limitations and attributions. It brings hope to those who discern a vocation (especially in today’s society), it brings identity for a set of beliefs, it brings a sense of community for a same cause. However me must always be aware of the exterior appearance of the habit as well, and make sure the identity we are seeking is grounded in Christ.

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